Naisarg Ortho Speciality Hospital

Bone Marrow And Plasma PRP Injection Therapy

Bone Marrow and Plasma PRP Therapy

Bone marrow injection and PRP therapy for osteoarthritis are both emerging and transformative therapies to treat various musculoskeletal joint conditions, tendons, and ligaments. These safe and effective medicines are centered on harnessing the body’s natural healing for repairing tissues and promoting recovery. PRP and BMC, together, form a powerful combination for graft remodeling and fast tendon-bone tunnel recovery. Bone marrow is a spongy, semi-solid tissue found in the center of bones that has a variety of essential components like liquid protein, cytokines, and millions of cell fragments intended to promote healing. Plasma PRP, on the other hand, is known as platelet-rich plasma injection drawn by using the patient’s blood to amplify natural growth. These minimally invasive booster options are injected into the targeted (affected) area to stimulate tissue regeneration. Research indicates that these shots have shown promising results in boosting the healing process and reducing pain in patients. Naisarg Ortho Speciality Hospital offers comprehensive, tailor-made services for bone marrow and prp injection therapy in Vadodara at a nominal price structure.

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How Bone Marrow Therapy Works?

The non-surgical BMC regenerative injections are a type of stem-cell therapy in which stem corpuscles are extracted and injected into the targeted area for tissue regeneration. The stem cells have the remarkable ability to develop into various types of follicles that are able to make more cells like themselves, including bone and cartilage, depending on the body’s needs. The bone marrow transplant that focus on cellular repair and regeneration are gaining popularity and offering hope to patients seeking alternatives to traditional treatments. The stem cell regeneration gathered from the body’s cell factory involves four main processes, like harvesting, conditioning, transplanting, and recovery. Hence, we can say bone marrow injection has consistently outperformed.

Understanding Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

In this, platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are produced in our semi-solid medullar cavity. These growth factor fragments are the small, colorless liquid part of the blood drawn from the person that is isolated to treat a variety of cellular proliferations like cartilage injuries, osteoarthritis, tendon ligaments, etc. PRP therapy for osteoarthritis is another effective and proven method involving injecting a concentrated platelet suspension into the knee joint space. This is considered the best treatment option that slows down the progression of degenerative joint disease. This is one of the safest conservative procedures with significantly improved patient results. The process involves collecting a small amount of blood drawn and processed into the plasma cells. In the platelets and plasma mechanism, a laboratory tool, the centrifuge, separates the platelets from the other components of the blood and concentrates them in the plasma. This powerful concentration is rich in growth factors, tissue repair, and reduced inflammation. Therefore, quickly book your schedule with our best bone marrow and PRP therapy in Vadodara, which stimulates your cellular activity and accelerates the healing process. 


Combining Bone Marrow And PRP For Enhanced Healing

The cost-cutting-edge regenerative approach offers to treat a wide range of chronic musculoskeletal conditions (MSK), like osteoarthritis, tendon injuries, and muscle damage. PRP complements the BMC treatment when used together. Studies have shown that this combination injected into the damaged part can significantly improve the outcomes of patients suffering from pain, joint degeneration, and sports injuries with faster times. The advanced treatment involves the process of extracting a small amount of bone marrow and blood from the patient using a specialized needle under local anesthesia. The concentrated solution of both samples is carefully prepared and injected into the affected area to address various chronic medical conditions. The natural stem cells and platelets solution helps in reducing inflammation, stimulating cellular regeneration, and supporting tissue. Trust us for bone marrow and PRP injection therapy in Vadodara for recruiting growth factors and stem cell regeneration activity.

Conditions Treated By Bone Marrow And PRP Therapy

These emerging bone marrow transplant and PRP therapy for osteoarthritis therapies are particularly effective in addressing a group of conditions affecting bones, joints, muscles, and connective tissues. The regenerative properties of bone marrow stem cells and growth factors in PRP are popular among athletes and sportspeople as these therapies reduce the recovery time. Additionally, these versatile procedures also respond to the common sites of ruptured rotator cuff and Achilles tendon. These treatments have offered a personalized approach to treating degenerative conditions/cases like spinal disc pain, etc. Furthermore, the list of conditions treated by these advanced and newer therapies continues to grow with improved mobility outcomes.


The Procedure: What to Expect

This is a straightforward, minimally invasive procedure that works synergistically. The powerful and innovative approach offers an effective solution for healing and tissue repair. The combination of bone marrow stem cells and growth factors from PRP is a well-tolerated procedure for enhancing the body’s natural healing process. The unspecialized stem corpuscles harvested from the medullary cavities of the bones are essential building blocks for regeneration, while PRP derived from the patient’s blood promotes cell proliferation and inflammation reduction. The synergies of these methods create an optimal environment for seeking long-term relief and functional improvement. Therefore, if you are looking for the best bone marrow and PRP therapy in Vadodara, book an appointment with our experienced doctors for promising results. 

Benefits And Outcomes of Bone Marrow And PRP Therapy

These injections are non-surgical advanced methods that play a vital role in the natural healing process. These treatments have revolutionized medical science compared to traditional methods. Let us particularly understand the benefits and outcomes here:

  • These popular injection shots minimize the risk of adverse reactions and complications. 
  • The non-surgical option reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation. 
  • Fast recovery, 
  • Long-term relief, 
  • Beneficial for athletes and sports people,
  • Promising results and outcomes.

This is a natural non-surgical treatment in which the patient’s platelet-rich plasma is used to accelerate the healing of damaged tissue and reduce inflammation. The process of drawing blood from the patient’s body and injecting the concentration into an injured or targeted area is gaining popularity in treating degenerative conditions such as tendons( connective tissue), and ligament and muscle injuries.

PRP and BMC regenerative treatments are designed to minimize arthritis joint pain and enhance your walking, running, twisting, and turning abilities. However, there is a slight difference between both treatments.

A PRP injection is a type of medicine in which a patient’s platelet-rich plasma is used for significant growth factors whereas BMC biological therapy ( Bone Marrow Concentrate) involves extracting a small portion of bone marrow( 50 to 60 mL) from a patient’s hip bone.

No matter what the case is, you must receive treatment from Naisarg Ortho Specialist Hospital if joint pains are disrupting your quality of life.

The cost of PRP treatment injections differs from patient to patient depending on the severity of the case. The results won’t appear in a day; however, the success rate in India is about 90%, which aids in stimulating hair growth. Contact us for an affordable Platelet-rich plasma therapy with complementary potential benefits.

Yes, these regenerative medicines( injections) are safe procedures with low risks and side effects. The process promotes collagen( protein for building bone and connective tissue) and the tissue-repairing process. The treatment shows encouraging results by stopping hair loss within 3- 5 months.

The procedure requires 2- 3 weeks to show noticeable( visible) results and patients can often return to their normal activities 1- 2 days post-treatment. Moreover, you can return to your workouts after 14 days.

Yes, bone marrow (BMAC) and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections are considered safe and effective treatments for treating chondral lesions, patellar tendons, and muscle or cartilage injuries. These reliable options provide excellent results and have gained popularity in recent years, usually with fewer major side effects.

These non-surgical alternative injections are for moderate hinge arthrosis. These preventive methods help to deal with femoral-tibial pain, inflammation, tissue damage, and mobility. However, the invasive non-surgical treatment’s effectiveness depends on the severity of the condition.

Please consult Naisarg Ortho Speciality Hospital in Vadodara for the best and most appropriate budget-friendly options.


The cost of these treatments depends on factors such as facilities, the area being treated, medication required, and patient-to-patient.

-PRP Shots- The cost can range between ₹10,000-50,000 per session.

-Bone Marrow Shots- The price begins at ₹ 15,000/-.

However, it is important to note that these are approximate costs for treatment, which can vary depending on the severity of the case.

In recent years, generative medicine therapies/injection shots have gained immense popularity, offering less invasive alternatives to surgeries.

-The non-surgical nature is considered a reliable and unique approach in the context of joint regeneration.

-These attractive alternatives to traditional orthopedic intervention help in cellular repair mechanisms, regeneration of damaged cartilage, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, musculoskeletal injuries, etc.

Hence, PRP and bone marrow injection therapy can be used to treat various conditions.

The intra-articular injections of ortho-biological therapies are used to treat a range of injuries and disorders such as:

-Musculoskeletal injuries: constant bone pain, tennis elbow, jumper’s knee, etc. 
-Patella Osteoarthritis- Inflammatory conditions like crackling sensation, stiffness, swelling, etc. in front of the patella.
-Uterine Horn Damage: recurrent miscarriage, segmental aplasia, accumulation of blood in the uterus, etc.
-Ligament Injuries—torn or overstretched ligaments, ankle tissue sprains, wrist ligament impairment, wrist ligament disorders, etc.

Reach out to the cell-based therapies experts at Naisarg Centre. 

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